
Lip Augmentation Injections

Introduction to Lip Augmentation
So you want to improve the appearance of your lips? You've got your reasons. Plumping your pucker often improves self-confidence and sexual confidence.

The good news is that you have many options to improve the appearance of your lips. The methods we discuss here also reduce fine lines and wrinkles around your lips. It's important to be realistic, too. Injections or implants can enhance and improve your natural look, but they're not about performing miracles.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Lip Augmentation?
You must be in good general health overall. You are not a good candidate for lip augmentation if you have:

Current cold sores
Certain diseases such as diabetes or lupus
Any scarring of the lips
Blood clotting problems

Like any other cosmetic surgery, lip augmentation requires a lot of responsibility. You can only determine for yourself if you're ready. We've included the most popular injections and implants here. This information should serve as a general overview only and should not replace your doctor's advice. Once you've selected a doctor, you will communicate with him or her and decide together which option best suits your needs.

As with any medical procedure, you should tell your doctor of any allergies or any medications that you are taking and you will be required to discuss your medical history. Certain diseases can increase your chances of complications, such as blood clots, diabetes or poor circulation. If you are a smoker, this may also be a complicating factor.

Your surgeon will most likely use topical anesthesia (painkiller applied directly to the lips) for injections. These are performed on an outpatient basis in your doctor's office or an outpatient center and you will be sent home the same day.

Here are the options:

Artecoll is a synthetic material that plumps up the lips. Because it's synthetic, you are at higher risk of having an allergic reaction to it than if you got an injection of collagen or fat, but it lasts longer than either.

Autologen is an injection of your own collagen, extracted from another place on your body. There's no risk of allergic reaction, however, the results are only temporary. This may be good for people who aren't ready to commit to a permanent result.

Collagen can be extracted from cows and injected into the lips. There's a risk of allergic reaction, so it's best to have your surgeon give you a test dose before proceeding to the full dose. The results are temporary lasting 4 weeks to three months.

Dermalogen is collagen extracted from deceased human donors. It's also called injectable Human Tissue Matrix. This is also a temporary fix, but your body should not reject it.

Fascia injections use a specific type of connective tissue harvested either from your own body or from a deceased human donor. It can be implanted surgically or injected. The main drawback is that within a year of injection, your body will reabsorb the fascia.

Fat from your own thighs or abdomen can be injected into your lips. There's no risk of allergic reaction and you may achieve permanent results. This can also be implanted surgically (see below).

HylaForm is a material created from natural body substances. There's no risk of infection, but you will need repeated treatments to maintain the result as it's only a temporary fic.

Restylane is a clear gel. It contains hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in humans, so there's little chance for an allergic reaction. It's biodegradable, so your body will absorb it within about six months of the injection.



Face Lift

Procedure Description
Face lift improves sagging facial skin, a slack jaw, and loose neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening muscles, and redraping skin. Most patients who desire a facelift are men and women over 40 years old, seeking to remove the most visible signs of aging. A facelift is complex surgery that goes beyond just tightening skin in order to rejuvenation the patient's appearance.

Face Lift is a procedure where a person's face skin is tightened to give a younger looking appearance. Because of aging and gravity the skin on a person's face can tend to sag and feel droopy. It is in this moment when a face lift surgery becomes a great option to look younger. In the face lift surgery the surgeon makes an incision on a person's forehead and/or neck mainly. These incisions are regularly placed in areas where they will not be visible so that the patient has a natural appearance.

Fat and tissue contribute as much to facial appearance as the underlying muscle and the overlying skin. A truly complete and comprehensive face lift with the most natural outcome will reduce, redistribute and in some cases add fat to the face.

Recently, face lift has moved away from using skin tension to contour the face. As a face ages the changes include fat loosening and descending to sit lower in the face. The result is that the face looks longer and more square in shape. Young faces tend to be tapered or angular. Thus, the most important aspect of a facelift is to improve facial shape while limiting signs that a surgical procedure has been performed.

To best determine what is right for you, consult a plastic surgeon who is not only qualified and experienced in these procedures, but one who also has an artistic vision. The difference between a good and great face lift is the difference between a plastic surgeon who can simply restore youth versus one who can visualize and create youthful beauty. This means a plastic surgeon must look at each feature individually as well as at the face as a whole. Then he or she can define what to correct, how much to correct and how it will all work together to make you look 10 or more years younger, without appearing like you've had face lift surgery.

Side Effects
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin. Tight feeling and dry skin. Men will permanently have to shave behind ears, due to the repositioning of beard-growing skin.

The incisions begin above the hairline at the temples, extending in a natural line in front of the ear, and continues behind the earlobe to the lower scalp. The surgeon separates the skin from the fat and muscle below, trimming or suctioning fat from around the neck to improve the contour. He or she then tightens the underlying muscle and membrane, pulling the skin back, and then removes the excess.

Infection, bleeding. Poor healing and excessive scarring. Asymmetry or change in hairline. Injury to facial nerves (usually temporary but may be permanent).




A Safe Body contouring
Vibro-Liposuction, also known as Nutational Infrasonic Liposuction, is an FDA approved device and is a proven, reliable system which safely allows for precise, high volume de-bulking in all body areas. In Vibro-liposuction, the fat cells are first broken down or emulsified by vibratory movements of the cannula and the fat emulsion is then gently aspirated with finer instruments for more accurate fat removal and body sculpting.

Vibroliposuction is a easy, safe and effective procedure to reduce the fat deposits in areas not responding properly to diet or exercise with less pain and without harming other tissues. With plenty of advantages for our patients:
1. less edema
2. better and fast recovery
3. less pain
4. less traumatic
5. better results that regular liposuction
6. less equimosis (bruisings)
7. less blood loss

This technique works with a pneumatic engine triggered by compressed air that provides a triple movement to the cannula: fluctuation, rotation and vibration. As a result of these three movements a helical trajectory is generated, which dissolves the fat tissue, and at the same time, this is aspired by the cannula. With soft movements we are able to aspirate 200cc/min, reducing the time necessary.

Because of the design of the system we are able to approach some areas, that are very difficult to aspirate with traditional "lipo", like submandibular area, inner thighs,   posterior aspect of the arms; and of course the large areas like abdomen, lumbar area (love handles), back ( upper and lower).

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the early post op ensures faster recovery and wellness, and the daily lymphatic drainage  helps to improve the re-absorption of water.

Risks and recovery time are virtually eliminated and most patients return to their normal routine within 48 hours of their procedure. The advantages to the patient include: less swelling, less bruising, quicker recovery time and smoother skin. In the United States, Vibro Liposuction is also known as Custom Acoustic Liposuction (CAL).



Body Contouring

Body contouring surgery encompasses a number of different body sculpting techniques used by cosmetic surgeons to reshape almost any area of the body. Through body sculpting surgery, patients can effectively eliminate excess fat and skin that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. Read on to learn more about the different types of body contouring plastic surgery procedures currently available.

Cosmetic body contouring surgery seeks to improve the shape, contours, and proportions of the body through surgery. Body contouring procedures include sculpting procedures such as liposuction of the body as well as augmentation of the buttocks or calves.

With the increasing popularity of various cosmetic surgery procedures, including body shaping and contouring, it is important that the prospective patient research and understand different issues like what the procedure can and cannot treat, inherent risks, costs, and other factors. Keep in mind, cosmetic surgery is just that – a surgical procedure whose results cannot simply be erased. While the information contained in this website will provide you with a good introduction to body shaping, when considering this or any other cosmetic procedure, we recommend that you consult a qualified provider with significant experience.

Body Sculpting Techniques
Cosmetic surgeons employ a variety of body sculpting techniques to help their patients achieve lean, toned figures:

Liposuction is the most popular method of body contouring surgery because it allows the surgeon to re-sculpt specific areas of the body. Using only a few tiny incisions, your surgeon can target stubborn fat deposits and permanently remove fat cells from the area. There are many different methods of liposuction available, and you and your surgeon will discuss which technique is right for you. To learn more, visit our liposuction page.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
The “tummy tuck,” or abdominoplasty, is a unique body sculpting surgery that combines removal of excess skin and fat from the midsection with the surgical tightening of the abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is typically offered as an individual procedure, but may also be performed during full body lift surgery. Learn more about the tummy tuck procedure here.

Body Lift Procedures
Body lifts allow surgeons to remove excess skin and fat from one or many areas of the body. You can re-sculpt your entire body with a total body lift or lower body lift, or choose one or more less extensive body contouring techniques such as an arm lift, thigh lift, and butt lift. Explore our site to learn more about body lifts.

Body Implant Procedures
Body implants are used in body sculpting techniques to add shape and volume to areas that are disproportionate to the rest of the body. Although exercise is always the best way to attain a lean, toned figure, some body contouring candidates find that they cannot improve the shape of certain body parts through strength training alone. If you have a stubborn area that will not respond to exercise, bicep, calf, pectoral, butt, or breast implants can contribute to a more defined physique.

Common Problems that Affect Body Image
If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of your body, it can be difficult to participate in work, social, and leisure activities with confidence. Many candidates for body contouring surgery find that their cellulite, fat, and excess skin inhibit them from doing many of the things they want to do, such as wearing a bathing suit, playing sports, or simply going out for a night on the town. Studies have shown that cellulite treatment, excess skin removal, and fat removal are all body sculpting techniques that can ease common insecurities.

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