
Benelli Lift

This procedure is designed to lift smaller breasts that possess less than severe ptosis, or sagging, through the removal of a doughnut-shaped piece of tissue around the areola. The Benelli Lift is less invasive than full mastopexy (breast lift) and is not intended for patients seeking more drastic enhancement, such as a breast augmentation with lift.

What is a Benelli Lift and how is it generally performed?
The Benelli lift was designed to lift smaller breasts in women with less obtrusive ptosis, better known as the loss of elasticity, through the removal of a doughnut-shaped piece of tissue around the areola.

Benelli mastopexy usually results in only a scar around the areola. In cases where the nipple must be moved a long distance, or when the skin has lost much of its elasticity, an additional vertical incision or crease incision will be made.  Over time the scars fade and flatten, causing no aesthetic issues for the patient.

This surgery is considered to be less invasive than other forms of breast lift alteration.  When the piece of tissue around the areola border is excised, the surrounding remaining tissue is carefully sutured to the areola. Those incisions are closed with purse string sutures and at times a little more tissue may be removed above the areola to allow for a lifting effect when it is sutured. This results in a flatter, rounder breast shape, with minimal scarring. The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia with sedation.

What is recovery like and what risks may be involved?
Patients are able to return to work within one week and have reported that it may take up to one year for the full effect to be seen.

With all breast alteration surgery, there is a small risk of decreased sensation, slow healing, and loss of nipple/areolar tissue.  With aging and weight fluctuations, results over time may vary.  It is important for each patient to have a thorough discussion with a cosmetic surgeon to gain a clear understanding of all risks involved.

Recovery after Procedure
It is recommended to take at least one week off from work or normal routine after having the Benelli Lift procedure. Common side effects include temporary bruising and swelling, numbness and breast discoloration. The patient should be able to return to her regular activities 1 week post surgery. However, strenuous physical activities should be avoided until 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure, to ensure that the wounds have already healed.

After the Benelli Lift surgery, patients need to wear the dressings and a light gauze bandage for several days. Patients can go home several hours after the surgery, and can take a shower the next day. The pain is usually minimal and can be controlled by medication, and the stitches can be removed on the 7th day.

Post Benelli Lift Living
Normal routines can be resumed in less than a month after getting a Benelli Lift. The result can give a beautiful and well-proportioned contour to the breasts, nipples and the areola. The effect will be noticeable after a few months to 1 year, and should last a lifetime. While surgical procedures and cosmetic treatments can claim long lasting effects, you have to maintain your new look to enjoy the maximum benefits of a Benelli Lift.

The most successful approach to retain the breasts' enhanced appearances is to maintain good health.
Doctors of post-operative patients advise them to follow a nutrition plan, regular exercise program and skincare management for a well-balanced lifestyle. Studies show that women recovering from breast lift surgery tend to gain more weight because of their inability to do strenuous activities in the weeks after the operation. Depression during recovery also tends to make women seek comfort from food. Awareness of this condition is the first step to help a patient overcome the post-operative trauma.

Living Healthy after Surgery
The only maintenance a patient needs to do after having a Benelli Lift is to stay healthy. It is important to jump back into normal physical routine once the healing is complete. Post-surgical patients should be aware of the need to incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits for the rest of their lives. There are multiple programs that can help in achieving a new lifestyle. It may take at least 6 months for patients to adjust to the new lifestyle and changes, but the effects can be enjoyed throughout their lifetime.



Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty or eye lift) is a popular cosmetic plastic surgery to remove excess skin, fat or muscle from droppy upper and lower eyelids. Blepharoplasty improves baggy skin under the eyes, sinking upper eyelids or drooping eyelashes that impair vision. The surgery can also treat a medical condition called ptosis (drooping eyelid), which is caused by poor muscle tone or nerve damage. Ptosis causes the eyelids to hang very low and block vision.

Blepharoplasty treats drooping eyelids, but not drooping eyebrows or wrinkles. Blepharoplasty is often performed with another cosmetic surgery such as a brow lift or facelift to improve droopy eyebrows, crow's feet and facial sagging.

Another type of blepharoplasty known as Asian eyelid surgery is gaining in popularity worldwide. This procedure, performed on Asians with a "single eyelid," creates a crease where none exists.

Why Eyelid Surgery?
As we age, excess skin forms in the eye area, and the skin loses elasticity. Fatty tissue can accumulate under the skin. Your eyes will "look older" because these aging processes leave the eyes appearing tired, wrinkled or puffy. Even with good skincare and eyecare, wrinkles, puffiness and drooping eyelids will catch up to you. Genetic factors and body chemistry can cause these aging effects in younger people. Plastic surgery may restore a youthful and refreshed appearance to your eyes.

Is Eyelid Surgery Right for Me?
The best candidates for blepharoplasty are physically healthy, emotionally stable and well-informed about the procedure. Ideal candidates are typically at least 35, though genetic factors may indicate treatment for younger people. Candidates may be excluded if they have any of the following conditions: dry eyes, high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, glaucoma, or Graves' disease. Your anatomy, including bone and supporting structure, may also affect your candidacy.

The Blepharoplasty Procedure
Your surgeon will make incisions along the line creases of the upper eyelid and possibly along the outer lower rim of the eye's skin. When removing fatty tissue, but not skin, the surgeon may perform a transconjunctival blepharoplasty with an incision inside the lower rim of the eye's skin. These incisions often reach the outer corners of the eyes. The surgeon then divides the fatty tissue and muscle from the skin so that excess skin, fat or muscle can be removed.

Eyelid surgery is often performed under local anesthesia — while you are sedated, numbed and awake — in an outpatient surgery center, surgeon's office or hospital. General anesthesia (meaning, while you are asleep) may be used. Be sure to discuss the appropriate type of anesthesia with your doctor and the anesthesia provider.

Depending on the extent of the procedure, time in surgery may be up to three hours. Patients return home typically within hours of the surgery.

Side Effects
Temporary tightness of eyelids, swelling, bruising, burning, and itching. Excessive tearing and sensitivity to light for first few weeks.

Temporary blurred or double vision. Infection, bleeding. Swelling at the corners of the eyelids. Dry eyes. Formation of whiteheads. Slight asymmetry in healing or scarring. Difficulty in closing eyes completely (rarely permanent). Pulling down of the lower lids (may require further surgery).

After Eyelid Surgery
Your eyes will likely be lubricated and covered with bandages after surgery. Oral medications will help with pain and discomfort. Report any unmanageable pain to your doctor immediately. The doctor will also prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection.

You will receive a list of instructions to follow for several days, including:
- the proper way to clean your eyes
- use of cold compresses
- use of lubricating eye drops
- head elevation
- no makeup
- no alcohol
- no television
- no contact lenses

Stitches are removed about a week after surgery. Bruising and swelling will continue to decrease after stitches are removed. Sunglasses and protective sun block are required for several weeks. Normal activities can resume after about 10 days, though strenuous activities such as lifting, bending and exercise can resume after about three weeks.



Thermage: Skin tightening and contouring

As cosmetic surgery techniques and procedures continue to develop, areas of the body once believed to be difficult to treat can now be enhanced during a lunch break or an early afternoon escape from the office. For example, the revolutionary procedure known as Thermage, (also known as Radiothermoplasty, ThermaCool, and ThermaLift) provides patients with tighter, more youthful looking skin, all without face lift surgery. The Thermage application has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of wrinkles, furrows, creases, and so on, around the eyes.

With the increasing popularity of various cosmetic surgery procedures, including Thermage, it is important that the prospective patient researches and understands different issues like what the procedure can and cannot treat, inherent risks, costs, and other factors. Keep in mind, cosmetic surgery is just that – a surgical procedure whose results cannot simply be erased. While the information contained in this website will provide a good introduction to Thermage, when considering this or any other cosmetic procedure, we recommend that you consult a qualified provider with significant experience. Some important elements you should understand regarding this procedure include the following:

The Thermage Procedure
Thermage is typically performed in a doctor's office and may take up to an hour, depending on the size and condition of the treatment area. Thermage delivers radio frequency energy to heat collagen, a structural protein located in the deep layers of the skin. Thermage helps build and contract collagen, which in turn tightens the appearance of the skin's surface. During each pulse, the outer layer of the skin is cooled while the deeper layers of skin and fat are heated to induce collagen tightening.

Each energy pulse takes two to seven seconds. The entire face may require 400 to 600 pulses, and the stomach area may require 400 pulses. The amount of pulses for other treatment areas varies.

Thermage Results
Thermage results may be apparent after just one procedure. In fact, some women who have undergone body contouring around their love handles with Thermage have lost 1.5 inches of girth around their abdomen after one treatment.

The skin tightens during the initial process and continues to tighten for three to six months afterward. The procedure also stimulates your body's healing process, which produces more natural collagen over time.

The experience is often described as a deep heating or mild pinching sensation, but a new vibrating hand piece has led to significantly less discomfort.

Still, oral pain medication and a topical anesthetic ointment may be administered before treatment.

Best Candidates for Thermage
Thermage may work best for people who require 1 to 2 millimeters of facial tightening, compared with the 1 or more centimeters offered in a brow lift.

Body contouring candidates include those who have lax skin in the lower abdomen, such as women who have had children. Women with flabby upper arms, inner thighs and buttocks are also candidates for Thermage.

Side Effects
Thermage side effects are rare, but can include swelling, redness, blisters, peeling, bumps or dimpling. If a side effect occurs, it usually goes away within a few days to a few weeks.

Thermage cost ranges between $1,000 and $5,000 per treatment





What is Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
Rhinoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that is performed in order to reshape the nose. Although rhinoplasty is most often sought for cosmetic reasons, it can also help correct structural defects that may cause breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty Overview
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure which is usually performed in order to improve the function or the appearance of a person's nose. Rhinoplasty can reduce or increase the size of person's nose as well as modify its shape.

The word rhinoplasty comes from the Greek word "rhinos" that means "nose" and the word "Plassein" which means "to shape". A rhinoplasty is also commonly referred as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping".

Rhinoplasty can change the shape of the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils, or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip. Rhinoplasty may also correct an aesthetically unpleasing nose, birth defects, injury caused by an accident, or some breathing problems.

Not all rhinoplasty is performed for cosmetic reasons; rhinoplasty can correct structural abnormalities. One of the most common conditions that can be corrected with rhinoplasty is a deviated septum, which can lead to breathing problems, chronic stuffiness, post-nasal drip and even snoring.

Rhinoplasty can be performed to meet aesthetic goals (cosmetic surgery) or for reconstructive purposes to correct trauma, birth defects or breathing problems (reconstructive surgery). Rhinoplasty can be combined with other surgical procedures such to enhance the aesthetic results that the patient can obtain.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common types of plastic surgery procedures and the most common type of facial plastic surgery today.

Rhinoplasty Candidates
Nose reshaping candidates should be at least in their mid teens — 14 to 15 for girls, and slightly older for boys. At these ages, the nasal bone has matured and the shape of the nose has stabilized. All rhinoplasty patients should have realistic expectations for their surgery. It is helpful for the surgeon to know, prior to surgery, what the patient hopes to look like after rhinoplasty, but it is important that those expectations be aligned with what is surgically possible. Before the rhinoplasty surgery, you'll have a chance to discuss your personal goals in detail with your rhinoplasty surgeon.

Risks and Benefits of Nose Surgery
Rhinoplasty carries the same risks as any other surgery. Bleeding, infection, and reactions to medications or anesthesia are possible side effects of rhinoplasty surgery. In addition, there are several risks that are unique to plastic surgery of the nose. These include burst blood vessels that can lead to red spots and small scars on the underside of the nose. You might also require a revisionary second procedure at some point in the future to remove or correct tissue. Explore this site to learn more about the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty surgery.

Closed Rhinoplasty
One of the most common rhinoplasty techniques is called "closed rhinoplasty." In a closed rhinoplasty, all of the incisions used for the surgery are hidden inside the nostrils. This, of course, if a benefit because it means that the scars will be entirely invisible to the casual observer. Although this surgery does not offer quite as much freedom to the rhinoplasty surgeon as an open rhinoplasty, it still offers a number of possibilities. For some patients, this surgery provides them with everything that they need. Even with all of the incisions made within the nostrils, the surgeon can still remove or implant cartilage and bone to reduce or increase the size of the nose.

Open Rhinoplasty
The open rhinoplasty technique is a procedure that has more incisions then the closed technique and the incisions are external where as the closed incisions are internal. In the open technique the rhinoplasty surgeon cuts the columella which separates the nostrils and that is where the tissues are located. Rhinoplasty surgeons use this technique more because it is easier to visualize how the nose will become. Also, more patients have open rhinoplasty technique performed on them when they have previously had rhinoplasty surgery.

Differences Between Open & Closed Rhinoplasty
Although the closed rhinoplasty technique sounds better due to no visible scarring, this technique is limited to those who can have this surgery and qualify as good candidates. This rhinoplasty technique works better for patients that are looking for minor changes. This would be good for those that need to remove the small bumps on the bridges of their nose. If there is more work to be done on the nose, patients are most likely getting an open rhinoplasty.

The open rhinoplasty technique is better for those that need more work done on their nose. However, there is more scarring and there is a scar that is on the columella which is more noticeable. However, taking care of the scar properly it will lighten up and look barely noticeable.

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