
Breast Lift

Breast lift cosmetic surgery (mastopexy) is a common, but complex breast enhancement procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts. Breast lift can be performed with or without the insertion of breast implants, depending upon the anatomical factors and needs of the patient.

A breast lift is fundamentally different from breast augmentation in that the procedure is intended to enhance, not the size, but the shape of the breasts. Breast lift surgery raises and reshapes sagging breasts, by removing excess skin and repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples to improve its appearance. A breast lift can also reduce the size of the areola – the darker skin surrounding the nipple. If a patient’s breasts are small or have lost volume (after pregnancy), getting breast implants in conjunction with a lift can increase their firmness and size.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?
The breast lift surgical procedure may be performed under local anesthesia (awake) or general anesthesia (asleep), in a hospital or in an office surgical suite. Your time in surgery is typically two to three-and-a-half hours.

The degree of lift needed generally will determine the number and length of the incisions. The more lift a patient needs, the more likely the patient will need a lift with more extensive incisions. In other words, someone who needs a significant lift likely will not be a candidate for a periareolar incision, but rather the "anchor incision"

Variable. Results may enhance or last longer when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure. The effects of gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight fluctuation may take their toll again.

Complications and risks
As with any surgery, there is risk of complications related to infection or reaction to anesthesia. Excessive bleeding can occur. After healing, some permanent scarring will remain. When proper precautions are taken by the surgical team, complications are typically minimized or prevented.

Sources: http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com/breast-lift, http://www.plasticsurgery.com/breast-lift/info.aspx
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