
Breast Lift

Breast lift cosmetic surgery (mastopexy) is a common, but complex breast enhancement procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts. Breast lift can be performed with or without the insertion of breast implants, depending upon the anatomical factors and needs of the patient.

A breast lift is fundamentally different from breast augmentation in that the procedure is intended to enhance, not the size, but the shape of the breasts. Breast lift surgery raises and reshapes sagging breasts, by removing excess skin and repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples to improve its appearance. A breast lift can also reduce the size of the areola – the darker skin surrounding the nipple. If a patient’s breasts are small or have lost volume (after pregnancy), getting breast implants in conjunction with a lift can increase their firmness and size.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?
The breast lift surgical procedure may be performed under local anesthesia (awake) or general anesthesia (asleep), in a hospital or in an office surgical suite. Your time in surgery is typically two to three-and-a-half hours.

The degree of lift needed generally will determine the number and length of the incisions. The more lift a patient needs, the more likely the patient will need a lift with more extensive incisions. In other words, someone who needs a significant lift likely will not be a candidate for a periareolar incision, but rather the "anchor incision"

Variable. Results may enhance or last longer when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure. The effects of gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight fluctuation may take their toll again.

Complications and risks
As with any surgery, there is risk of complications related to infection or reaction to anesthesia. Excessive bleeding can occur. After healing, some permanent scarring will remain. When proper precautions are taken by the surgical team, complications are typically minimized or prevented.

Sources: http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com/breast-lift, http://www.plasticsurgery.com/breast-lift/info.aspx


Tummy Tuck

Achieving a flatter, tighter abdominal area is a goal for many people, women and men alike. There are a variety of reasons why someone may be dissatisfied with his or her waistline and abdomen, and the "tummy tuck" procedure, or abdominoplasty, might be an appropriate option for achieving a slimmer, more aesthetically appealing abdominal contour. Use this page as a resource to learn more about the abdominoplasty procedure.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?
The term “tummy tuck” refers to a cosmetic surgery procedure more formally known as abdominoplasty, which is designed to help patients sculpt and tone their abdominal areas. During a tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon manually tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and sutures them into place. He or she then removes any excess skin from the patient’s abdomen to create a firmer, flatter midsection. The abdominoplasty procedure can be customized to each patient’s specific goals and may include liposuction, breast augmentation, or other body lift procedures.

Are You a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty?
The ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty procedure is someone who has been unable to tone his or her abdominal region, even with the help of a healthy diet and exercise routine. While most people associate cosmetic surgery with women, the male tummy tuck is becoming an increasingly common way for men to flatten the difficult-to-tone stomach area. Abdominoplasty is also a fairly common method of restoring a woman’s figure after pregnancy. As with any plastic surgery procedure, results of tummy tuck surgery can vary, and candidates should discuss their goals with their surgeons in order to establish reasonable expectations. In addition, patients should be committed to maintaining their results with a stable diet and regular exercise after abdominoplasty.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure
To prepare for a tummy tuck procedure, patients should be candid in discussing their medical histories, including any medication they are currently using, with their surgeons. Tummy tuck surgery usually takes between two and six hours to complete. Depending on which tummy tuck procedure is performed, patients will be either totally or partially sedated. During tummy tuck recovery, it is common for patients to experience some side effects and risks. Since each person and each tummy tuck procedure are unique, it is important that patients closely follow the surgeon’s specific instructions for recovery.

Source: http://www.docshop.com/education/cosmetic/body/tumy-tuck


Liposculpture or Liposuction

Body contouring, also known as Liposculpture or Liposuction are medical procedures and should be taken seriously.Liposuction is a procedure that focuses on the sculpting and removal of fat resulting in wonderful shape changes. Millions of people have safely had liposuction in the United States since 1983. It is estimated that half of all liposuction patients are between the ages of 35 and 50 and approximately one-third are between the ages of 19 and 34 .

Another reason for the procedure's popularity is that it can be performed on a wide variety of body are as and appeals to all age groups. Think of liposuction as sculpting a three dimensional figure - your body!

Candidates for liposuction are men and women who have stubborn deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise. Even people who appear thin or may be at their ideal body weight can have pockets of unwanted fat.

A simple "pinch test" is a good method of determining if you are a good liposuction candidate  In the area of concern "pinch" the skin between you r thumb and index finger. If you are able to pinch more than an inch then there is probably sufficient fatty deposits present that liposuction will be helpful. After the administration of a mild intravenous sedation the tumescent fluid is placed in the fatty compartment between the skin and muscle. Tumescent fluid contains normal saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine  Lidocaine is a local anesthetic used in very dilute form to "numb" the fatty compartments. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, constricts blood vessels in the fat and skin. As a result, blood loss in the average patient is measured in teaspoons.
The surgeon then artistically sculpts the body fat by removing fatty deposits through small incisions using a 2 - 3 millimeter delicate stainless steel wand called a cannula, this results in an esthetically more pleasing body shape. These smaller cannulas are gentler to the tissues, significantly reducing the chance of skin irregularities.

A support garment is worn for several days after surgery for comfort and tissue support. There is minimal discomfort and a gradual resumption of activity is encouraged beginning the next day. Most people return to work in three to five days, depending on the extent of their surgery.

Postoperative discomfort is drastically reduced with Tumescent Liposuction since anesthetic remains in the tissues many hours after the procedure is performed. In addition, Tumescent Liposuction results in less bruising, and faster resolution of swelling after surgery.

Liposuction is permanent because not only is the fat removed, but the cells that store the excess fat are also removed. If a person gains weight after liposuction, the weight gain is distributed more evenly over the body rather than in "problems areas" as before.

Multiple areas are often treated during a single operation in order to achieve the best shape. Occasionally two surgical sessions may be recommended for safety reasons depending on the number and size of the areas.

source: http://www.bodylipo.com


Buttocks Augmentation

involves the surgical insertion of artificial implants into the buttocks in order to enhance their size and shape. This surgery is frequently sought by women who are unhappy with the size of their buttocks. Some feel their buttocks lack shape, while others want to have a more sensuous backside by making them larger and rounder. Singer/Actress Jennifer Lopez is probably the biggest reason why women have been seeking plastic surgeons to enhance their buttocks and causing a rise in the number of butt implants procedures performed.

If you're considering buttock augmentation with butt implants, the following information will provide you with a good introduction to the procedure. For more detailed information about how this procedure may help you, we recommend that you consult a plastic surgeon that is highly qualified or has completed a residency program that includes instruction in the buttocks implants procedure.

What can I expect after butt implants?
You will have a compression garment on after surgery to provide support, which should not be removed for the next few days following butt implants surgery. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your doctor. Someone will need to drive you home, and you may need assistance at home over the next couple of days. Expect to be in bed for the next 24 hours following surgery.

Side Effects
Patients must avoid sitting on the buttocks while healing from surgery. With so much stress regularly placed on this area, patients may experience great pain during the recovery period.

Pain, bruising and some discomfort may occur. Buttock implant patients will not be able to lie on their backs for about 2 weeks. Most surgeons recommend wearing a compression garment to hold down swelling. Back to work: 2 weeks.

Bleeding, infection, nerve and muscle damage. Butt implants can shift and make one buttock different than the other. Other risks include adverse reaction to anesthesia, and the need for a second, or sometimes third, procedure. Risks of infection are higher when incisions are made near the rectal area.

A surgeon places the patient on his or her stomach, makes incisions where the buttock meet the upper leg or in the crease near the anus. A pocket is created in the buttocks, where the doctor shapes the implant to the patient’s body, or inserts the fat tissue.

Sources: http://www.ienhance.com, http://www.plasticsurgery.com 
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