
Lip Augmentation Injections

Introduction to Lip Augmentation
So you want to improve the appearance of your lips? You've got your reasons. Plumping your pucker often improves self-confidence and sexual confidence.

The good news is that you have many options to improve the appearance of your lips. The methods we discuss here also reduce fine lines and wrinkles around your lips. It's important to be realistic, too. Injections or implants can enhance and improve your natural look, but they're not about performing miracles.

Who Are the Best Candidates for Lip Augmentation?
You must be in good general health overall. You are not a good candidate for lip augmentation if you have:

Current cold sores
Certain diseases such as diabetes or lupus
Any scarring of the lips
Blood clotting problems

Like any other cosmetic surgery, lip augmentation requires a lot of responsibility. You can only determine for yourself if you're ready. We've included the most popular injections and implants here. This information should serve as a general overview only and should not replace your doctor's advice. Once you've selected a doctor, you will communicate with him or her and decide together which option best suits your needs.

As with any medical procedure, you should tell your doctor of any allergies or any medications that you are taking and you will be required to discuss your medical history. Certain diseases can increase your chances of complications, such as blood clots, diabetes or poor circulation. If you are a smoker, this may also be a complicating factor.

Your surgeon will most likely use topical anesthesia (painkiller applied directly to the lips) for injections. These are performed on an outpatient basis in your doctor's office or an outpatient center and you will be sent home the same day.

Here are the options:

Artecoll is a synthetic material that plumps up the lips. Because it's synthetic, you are at higher risk of having an allergic reaction to it than if you got an injection of collagen or fat, but it lasts longer than either.

Autologen is an injection of your own collagen, extracted from another place on your body. There's no risk of allergic reaction, however, the results are only temporary. This may be good for people who aren't ready to commit to a permanent result.

Collagen can be extracted from cows and injected into the lips. There's a risk of allergic reaction, so it's best to have your surgeon give you a test dose before proceeding to the full dose. The results are temporary lasting 4 weeks to three months.

Dermalogen is collagen extracted from deceased human donors. It's also called injectable Human Tissue Matrix. This is also a temporary fix, but your body should not reject it.

Fascia injections use a specific type of connective tissue harvested either from your own body or from a deceased human donor. It can be implanted surgically or injected. The main drawback is that within a year of injection, your body will reabsorb the fascia.

Fat from your own thighs or abdomen can be injected into your lips. There's no risk of allergic reaction and you may achieve permanent results. This can also be implanted surgically (see below).

HylaForm is a material created from natural body substances. There's no risk of infection, but you will need repeated treatments to maintain the result as it's only a temporary fic.

Restylane is a clear gel. It contains hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in humans, so there's little chance for an allergic reaction. It's biodegradable, so your body will absorb it within about six months of the injection.



Face Lift

Procedure Description
Face lift improves sagging facial skin, a slack jaw, and loose neck skin by removing excess fat, tightening muscles, and redraping skin. Most patients who desire a facelift are men and women over 40 years old, seeking to remove the most visible signs of aging. A facelift is complex surgery that goes beyond just tightening skin in order to rejuvenation the patient's appearance.

Face Lift is a procedure where a person's face skin is tightened to give a younger looking appearance. Because of aging and gravity the skin on a person's face can tend to sag and feel droopy. It is in this moment when a face lift surgery becomes a great option to look younger. In the face lift surgery the surgeon makes an incision on a person's forehead and/or neck mainly. These incisions are regularly placed in areas where they will not be visible so that the patient has a natural appearance.

Fat and tissue contribute as much to facial appearance as the underlying muscle and the overlying skin. A truly complete and comprehensive face lift with the most natural outcome will reduce, redistribute and in some cases add fat to the face.

Recently, face lift has moved away from using skin tension to contour the face. As a face ages the changes include fat loosening and descending to sit lower in the face. The result is that the face looks longer and more square in shape. Young faces tend to be tapered or angular. Thus, the most important aspect of a facelift is to improve facial shape while limiting signs that a surgical procedure has been performed.

To best determine what is right for you, consult a plastic surgeon who is not only qualified and experienced in these procedures, but one who also has an artistic vision. The difference between a good and great face lift is the difference between a plastic surgeon who can simply restore youth versus one who can visualize and create youthful beauty. This means a plastic surgeon must look at each feature individually as well as at the face as a whole. Then he or she can define what to correct, how much to correct and how it will all work together to make you look 10 or more years younger, without appearing like you've had face lift surgery.

Side Effects
Temporary bruising, swelling, numbness and tenderness of skin. Tight feeling and dry skin. Men will permanently have to shave behind ears, due to the repositioning of beard-growing skin.

The incisions begin above the hairline at the temples, extending in a natural line in front of the ear, and continues behind the earlobe to the lower scalp. The surgeon separates the skin from the fat and muscle below, trimming or suctioning fat from around the neck to improve the contour. He or she then tightens the underlying muscle and membrane, pulling the skin back, and then removes the excess.

Infection, bleeding. Poor healing and excessive scarring. Asymmetry or change in hairline. Injury to facial nerves (usually temporary but may be permanent).




A Safe Body contouring
Vibro-Liposuction, also known as Nutational Infrasonic Liposuction, is an FDA approved device and is a proven, reliable system which safely allows for precise, high volume de-bulking in all body areas. In Vibro-liposuction, the fat cells are first broken down or emulsified by vibratory movements of the cannula and the fat emulsion is then gently aspirated with finer instruments for more accurate fat removal and body sculpting.

Vibroliposuction is a easy, safe and effective procedure to reduce the fat deposits in areas not responding properly to diet or exercise with less pain and without harming other tissues. With plenty of advantages for our patients:
1. less edema
2. better and fast recovery
3. less pain
4. less traumatic
5. better results that regular liposuction
6. less equimosis (bruisings)
7. less blood loss

This technique works with a pneumatic engine triggered by compressed air that provides a triple movement to the cannula: fluctuation, rotation and vibration. As a result of these three movements a helical trajectory is generated, which dissolves the fat tissue, and at the same time, this is aspired by the cannula. With soft movements we are able to aspirate 200cc/min, reducing the time necessary.

Because of the design of the system we are able to approach some areas, that are very difficult to aspirate with traditional "lipo", like submandibular area, inner thighs,   posterior aspect of the arms; and of course the large areas like abdomen, lumbar area (love handles), back ( upper and lower).

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber in the early post op ensures faster recovery and wellness, and the daily lymphatic drainage  helps to improve the re-absorption of water.

Risks and recovery time are virtually eliminated and most patients return to their normal routine within 48 hours of their procedure. The advantages to the patient include: less swelling, less bruising, quicker recovery time and smoother skin. In the United States, Vibro Liposuction is also known as Custom Acoustic Liposuction (CAL).



Body Contouring

Body contouring surgery encompasses a number of different body sculpting techniques used by cosmetic surgeons to reshape almost any area of the body. Through body sculpting surgery, patients can effectively eliminate excess fat and skin that are unresponsive to diet and exercise. Read on to learn more about the different types of body contouring plastic surgery procedures currently available.

Cosmetic body contouring surgery seeks to improve the shape, contours, and proportions of the body through surgery. Body contouring procedures include sculpting procedures such as liposuction of the body as well as augmentation of the buttocks or calves.

With the increasing popularity of various cosmetic surgery procedures, including body shaping and contouring, it is important that the prospective patient research and understand different issues like what the procedure can and cannot treat, inherent risks, costs, and other factors. Keep in mind, cosmetic surgery is just that – a surgical procedure whose results cannot simply be erased. While the information contained in this website will provide you with a good introduction to body shaping, when considering this or any other cosmetic procedure, we recommend that you consult a qualified provider with significant experience.

Body Sculpting Techniques
Cosmetic surgeons employ a variety of body sculpting techniques to help their patients achieve lean, toned figures:

Liposuction is the most popular method of body contouring surgery because it allows the surgeon to re-sculpt specific areas of the body. Using only a few tiny incisions, your surgeon can target stubborn fat deposits and permanently remove fat cells from the area. There are many different methods of liposuction available, and you and your surgeon will discuss which technique is right for you. To learn more, visit our liposuction page.

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)
The “tummy tuck,” or abdominoplasty, is a unique body sculpting surgery that combines removal of excess skin and fat from the midsection with the surgical tightening of the abdominal muscles. Abdominoplasty is typically offered as an individual procedure, but may also be performed during full body lift surgery. Learn more about the tummy tuck procedure here.

Body Lift Procedures
Body lifts allow surgeons to remove excess skin and fat from one or many areas of the body. You can re-sculpt your entire body with a total body lift or lower body lift, or choose one or more less extensive body contouring techniques such as an arm lift, thigh lift, and butt lift. Explore our site to learn more about body lifts.

Body Implant Procedures
Body implants are used in body sculpting techniques to add shape and volume to areas that are disproportionate to the rest of the body. Although exercise is always the best way to attain a lean, toned figure, some body contouring candidates find that they cannot improve the shape of certain body parts through strength training alone. If you have a stubborn area that will not respond to exercise, bicep, calf, pectoral, butt, or breast implants can contribute to a more defined physique.

Common Problems that Affect Body Image
If you are uncomfortable with the appearance of your body, it can be difficult to participate in work, social, and leisure activities with confidence. Many candidates for body contouring surgery find that their cellulite, fat, and excess skin inhibit them from doing many of the things they want to do, such as wearing a bathing suit, playing sports, or simply going out for a night on the town. Studies have shown that cellulite treatment, excess skin removal, and fat removal are all body sculpting techniques that can ease common insecurities.



Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck can improve the appearance of excess fat and loose, stretched out skin in the lower abdominal area. This surgical body contouring procedure is effective for men or women whose conditions are not severe enough for full abdominoplasty.

A mini tummy tuck, or partial abdominoplasty, may be recommended for patients that are within 10% of their ideal body weight. This procedure is less invasive and can be done on an outpatient basis. While a full tummy tuck involves an incision around the navel and across the lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck leaves the navel intact and requires a smaller incision. Liposuction is sometimes employed and the fat is removed from below the navel, tightening muscles from the navel to the pubis.

If your abdominal muscles require more extensive tightening and your body weight is more than 20% above your ideal weight, your plastic surgeon is more likely to recommend a full abdominoplasty. This frequently is performed with liposuction to obtain the best results.

During mini-abdominoplasty, your surgeon will make a small incision directly above the pubic region. He or she will cut away loose skin and may perform liposuction in conjunction to remove excess fat. As compared to a full tummy tuck, the belly button should not have to be repositioned. The incisions are closed with small sutures and small drains are usually inserted to eliminate fluid buildup. Elastic bandages are then applied to the area and secured.

Long-lasting; weight fluctuation or pregnancy may affect results.

Mini-tummy tuck patients will need to wear a compression garment during the healing period, which may last about two to three weeks after surgery. This procedure has a shorter recovery time than the full tummy tuck; sutures should be removed in a few weeks. Return to work: 1 to 3 weeks. Return to light activity: within 2-3 days. Avoid strenuous activity: about 1 month.



Butt Lift Surgery

A butt lift removes excess skin and fat that may cause sagging buttocks to add contour to the waist, hips and back of the thighs.

A buttock lift or butt lift is purely a cosmetic plastic surgery that is more concerned with improving the tone and tautness of the skin rather than adding structure or volume to the backside. A true buttock lift is an invasive surgical procedure that requires several incisions, general anesthesia and about four weeks in recovery time.

People commonly mistake a buttock lift with other procedures such as buttock implants and body contouring. A butt lift surgeon simply raises and tightens the skin over the buttocks. Buttock implants add volume and structure to the posterior and lower body contouring involves the use of liposuction to contour the shape of the buttocks by vacuuming out excess fatty tissue. In essence, buttock implants are used to make a rear end look bigger and rounder and liposuction is used to make a rear end look smaller. The purpose of a buttock lift is to make the rear end appear less saggy, dimpled or wrinkled.

To perform a butt lift, a plastic surgery specialist makes an incision along the lower back, spanning from hip to hip. The surgeon pulls the excess skin below the incision to lift the buttocks and outer thighs. The extra skin is then removed.

A buttock lift is often part of a total body lift or a lower body lift, which is common after weight loss surgery. It can take about two hours to perform by itself, with general anesthesia typically being used. Most people who have buttock lifts go home the next day; however, the hospital stay may be longer if other procedures are performed simultaneously.

There is usually some postoperative pain that can be managed with medications. Abdominal binders are generally worn for six weeks to help prevent fluid buildup and provide support during the healing process. Swelling may last for up to three months, and the full cosmetic results are visible within a year.

Are You an Ideal Candidate for a Buttock Lift?
•Loss of skin elasticity in the buttock area due to extreme weight loss or aging
•A saggy appearance in the buttock area due to hormonal changes, extreme weight loss or aging
•Thighs that have a crinkled, dimpled or flabby appearance due to lack of exercise or cellulite
•Buttocks that appear asymmetrical or lumpy due to burns, wounds or other types of trauma



Body Procedures

Body Procedures also called "Body contouring" or "Body Sculpting" are terms that apply to a number of surgery options that can reshape and improve nearly any part of the body.  Body sculpting or contouring procedures can help improve definition and create a more proportionate body for individuals who are anxious about loose skin, excess fat, or other concerns.

The most common and popular body procedure is liposuction. (Also known as "lipoplasty" or "suction lipectomy ") This procedure sculpts the body by removing undesirable fat from areas around the thighs, knees, buttocks, waist, hips, abdomen, chin, cheeks, neck and upper arms.   Liposuction can help patients achieve dramatic results all over the body. The procedure normally lasts one to two hours and patients are usually able to return to work within two weeks. Liposuction is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise, but the procedure can eliminate areas of fat that are unresponsive to typical weight-loss methods.

Lower Body Lift is a body procedure that generally targets a person`s thighs and lower abdomen to improve the appearance of the lower body with little scarring. After extreme weight loss or pregnancy, many people are left with excess skin that can be embarrassing and unattractive. During the lower body lift procedure, a plastic surgeon trims away excess skin to reveal a more toned, attractive figure. 

The thighs are a problem area for many men and women because they are so difficult to tone. During the thigh lift procedure, the surgeon removes excess skin and tissue from the upper and inner thighs to produce a thinner, more attractive leg. This body procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Depending on the area of the thigh to be lifted, an incision is made around the thigh in the buttock crease and near the groin, to minimize appearance of scarring.

A Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) performed by an experienced plastic surgeon can help a patient attain a firm, toned midsection by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the abdominal muscles. Women, with stretched abdominal areas due to previous pregnancies, can benefit considerably from Abdominoplasty, although they should have completed their childbearing. Older individuals, whose skin has lost some of its elasticity and are slightly obese, can experience an improvement in their abdominal area. This body procedure generally takes between two and five hours to complete and patients can usually return to work within two to four weeks. The results are dramatic and last for years.

Upper Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) is performed on those individuals with excess hanging skin on the upper arm area.  This is due to aging and dramatic weight loss. If you have drooping skin on your upper arms, consider having an arm lift performed. This body procedure can also be combined with liposuction for optimal results.

A Buttock Lift is a body procedure designed to tighten the skin of the buttock area. The procedure can be performed alone or in combination with other operations, such as a thigh lift and abdominoplasty. The combination of these three operations is often called a body lift. Like the face, the remainder of the body suffers the consequences of time, gravity and in some cases significant weight loss. While some areas are affected more than others, skin wrinkling and loss of tone occur throughout the body. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. An incision is made on the lower back from waist to waist. Fat and excess skin are removed giving a more contoured, tightened look.

Breast augmentation is a body procedure that enlarges small breasts, or re-balances breasts of different size or proportion. Implants add fullness to breasts that have decreased in size or begun to sag due to age or pregnancy. New implant technologies create a more natural look than ever before.

Breast reduction is a body procedure that corrects unusually large or sagging breasts, which often interfere with a woman`s normal function and physical activity. Unusually large breasts can cause chronic back pain, postural problems, deformities of the back and shoulders, and more. Generally viewed as a reconstructive procedure, breast reduction can also aesthetically improve the shape of the breasts and nipple areas.

The breast lift procedure (mastoplexy) is a body procedure that raises and re-contours loose, sagging breasts. Women often elect this surgery after losing a considerable amount of weight, or after losing volume and tone in their breasts after having children.

Source: http://immersivemedical.com/body-procedures.html


Brazilian Butt Lift

What is the brazilian butt lift?
Over the last few years the buttocks and abdomen have received more press coverage than ever before.The brazilian butt lift is not just about big butts!. The brazilian butt lift is a type of butt augmentation procedure which results in a youthful, prominent, perky buttocks and a more sensual body profile.

People of all ages are having the butt lift procedure,   In this procedure the surgeon removes fat from selected areas of your body, purifies the fat, then reinjects selected donor fat cells into your buttocks. The process of fat reinjection involves scores or hundreds of injections. The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrant of your buttocks so that the butt appears lifted and perky. The resulting effect is that the woman appears more attractive and sensuous.

There are two different ways to enlarge your buttocks:
- Brazilian Butt Lift: Fat injections or fat transfer to the butt
- Butt Implants: Insertion of silicone implants
the butt implants is recomended over the brazilian butt lift only if you are really tiny and have no body fat stored in your abdomen.If you have enough donor fat, surgeons prefer to augment the butt using fat injections-the brazilian butt lift. They believe that this method results in the most natural and sensual look for the buttock area. They only recommend butt implants if you are very tiny with no fat in your stomach or flank area. The fat transfer method has a lower risk of infection compared to the butt implant procedure.

An additional benefit of this fat injection method is that you not only get a more shapely buttock, but the area liposuctioned is now much leaner, giving your profile a more sensuous look. It is recomended the brazilian butt lift, as the combination of liposuction and fat injections produces the most attractive and natural profile.

Source: http://www.cosmeticsurg.net/procedures/Butt-augmentation.php


Breast Lift

Breast lift cosmetic surgery (mastopexy) is a common, but complex breast enhancement procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts. Breast lift can be performed with or without the insertion of breast implants, depending upon the anatomical factors and needs of the patient.

A breast lift is fundamentally different from breast augmentation in that the procedure is intended to enhance, not the size, but the shape of the breasts. Breast lift surgery raises and reshapes sagging breasts, by removing excess skin and repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples to improve its appearance. A breast lift can also reduce the size of the areola – the darker skin surrounding the nipple. If a patient’s breasts are small or have lost volume (after pregnancy), getting breast implants in conjunction with a lift can increase their firmness and size.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?
The breast lift surgical procedure may be performed under local anesthesia (awake) or general anesthesia (asleep), in a hospital or in an office surgical suite. Your time in surgery is typically two to three-and-a-half hours.

The degree of lift needed generally will determine the number and length of the incisions. The more lift a patient needs, the more likely the patient will need a lift with more extensive incisions. In other words, someone who needs a significant lift likely will not be a candidate for a periareolar incision, but rather the "anchor incision"

Variable. Results may enhance or last longer when breast implants are inserted as part of the procedure. The effects of gravity, pregnancy, aging, and weight fluctuation may take their toll again.

Complications and risks
As with any surgery, there is risk of complications related to infection or reaction to anesthesia. Excessive bleeding can occur. After healing, some permanent scarring will remain. When proper precautions are taken by the surgical team, complications are typically minimized or prevented.

Sources: http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com/breast-lift, http://www.plasticsurgery.com/breast-lift/info.aspx


Tummy Tuck

Achieving a flatter, tighter abdominal area is a goal for many people, women and men alike. There are a variety of reasons why someone may be dissatisfied with his or her waistline and abdomen, and the "tummy tuck" procedure, or abdominoplasty, might be an appropriate option for achieving a slimmer, more aesthetically appealing abdominal contour. Use this page as a resource to learn more about the abdominoplasty procedure.

What Is a Tummy Tuck?
The term “tummy tuck” refers to a cosmetic surgery procedure more formally known as abdominoplasty, which is designed to help patients sculpt and tone their abdominal areas. During a tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon manually tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall and sutures them into place. He or she then removes any excess skin from the patient’s abdomen to create a firmer, flatter midsection. The abdominoplasty procedure can be customized to each patient’s specific goals and may include liposuction, breast augmentation, or other body lift procedures.

Are You a Good Candidate for Abdominoplasty?
The ideal candidate for an abdominoplasty procedure is someone who has been unable to tone his or her abdominal region, even with the help of a healthy diet and exercise routine. While most people associate cosmetic surgery with women, the male tummy tuck is becoming an increasingly common way for men to flatten the difficult-to-tone stomach area. Abdominoplasty is also a fairly common method of restoring a woman’s figure after pregnancy. As with any plastic surgery procedure, results of tummy tuck surgery can vary, and candidates should discuss their goals with their surgeons in order to establish reasonable expectations. In addition, patients should be committed to maintaining their results with a stable diet and regular exercise after abdominoplasty.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure
To prepare for a tummy tuck procedure, patients should be candid in discussing their medical histories, including any medication they are currently using, with their surgeons. Tummy tuck surgery usually takes between two and six hours to complete. Depending on which tummy tuck procedure is performed, patients will be either totally or partially sedated. During tummy tuck recovery, it is common for patients to experience some side effects and risks. Since each person and each tummy tuck procedure are unique, it is important that patients closely follow the surgeon’s specific instructions for recovery.

Source: http://www.docshop.com/education/cosmetic/body/tumy-tuck


Liposculpture or Liposuction

Body contouring, also known as Liposculpture or Liposuction are medical procedures and should be taken seriously.Liposuction is a procedure that focuses on the sculpting and removal of fat resulting in wonderful shape changes. Millions of people have safely had liposuction in the United States since 1983. It is estimated that half of all liposuction patients are between the ages of 35 and 50 and approximately one-third are between the ages of 19 and 34 .

Another reason for the procedure's popularity is that it can be performed on a wide variety of body are as and appeals to all age groups. Think of liposuction as sculpting a three dimensional figure - your body!

Candidates for liposuction are men and women who have stubborn deposits of fat that have not responded to diet or exercise. Even people who appear thin or may be at their ideal body weight can have pockets of unwanted fat.

A simple "pinch test" is a good method of determining if you are a good liposuction candidate  In the area of concern "pinch" the skin between you r thumb and index finger. If you are able to pinch more than an inch then there is probably sufficient fatty deposits present that liposuction will be helpful. After the administration of a mild intravenous sedation the tumescent fluid is placed in the fatty compartment between the skin and muscle. Tumescent fluid contains normal saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine  Lidocaine is a local anesthetic used in very dilute form to "numb" the fatty compartments. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, constricts blood vessels in the fat and skin. As a result, blood loss in the average patient is measured in teaspoons.
The surgeon then artistically sculpts the body fat by removing fatty deposits through small incisions using a 2 - 3 millimeter delicate stainless steel wand called a cannula, this results in an esthetically more pleasing body shape. These smaller cannulas are gentler to the tissues, significantly reducing the chance of skin irregularities.

A support garment is worn for several days after surgery for comfort and tissue support. There is minimal discomfort and a gradual resumption of activity is encouraged beginning the next day. Most people return to work in three to five days, depending on the extent of their surgery.

Postoperative discomfort is drastically reduced with Tumescent Liposuction since anesthetic remains in the tissues many hours after the procedure is performed. In addition, Tumescent Liposuction results in less bruising, and faster resolution of swelling after surgery.

Liposuction is permanent because not only is the fat removed, but the cells that store the excess fat are also removed. If a person gains weight after liposuction, the weight gain is distributed more evenly over the body rather than in "problems areas" as before.

Multiple areas are often treated during a single operation in order to achieve the best shape. Occasionally two surgical sessions may be recommended for safety reasons depending on the number and size of the areas.

source: http://www.bodylipo.com


Buttocks Augmentation

involves the surgical insertion of artificial implants into the buttocks in order to enhance their size and shape. This surgery is frequently sought by women who are unhappy with the size of their buttocks. Some feel their buttocks lack shape, while others want to have a more sensuous backside by making them larger and rounder. Singer/Actress Jennifer Lopez is probably the biggest reason why women have been seeking plastic surgeons to enhance their buttocks and causing a rise in the number of butt implants procedures performed.

If you're considering buttock augmentation with butt implants, the following information will provide you with a good introduction to the procedure. For more detailed information about how this procedure may help you, we recommend that you consult a plastic surgeon that is highly qualified or has completed a residency program that includes instruction in the buttocks implants procedure.

What can I expect after butt implants?
You will have a compression garment on after surgery to provide support, which should not be removed for the next few days following butt implants surgery. It is important to take the medication prescribed to you by your doctor. Someone will need to drive you home, and you may need assistance at home over the next couple of days. Expect to be in bed for the next 24 hours following surgery.

Side Effects
Patients must avoid sitting on the buttocks while healing from surgery. With so much stress regularly placed on this area, patients may experience great pain during the recovery period.

Pain, bruising and some discomfort may occur. Buttock implant patients will not be able to lie on their backs for about 2 weeks. Most surgeons recommend wearing a compression garment to hold down swelling. Back to work: 2 weeks.

Bleeding, infection, nerve and muscle damage. Butt implants can shift and make one buttock different than the other. Other risks include adverse reaction to anesthesia, and the need for a second, or sometimes third, procedure. Risks of infection are higher when incisions are made near the rectal area.

A surgeon places the patient on his or her stomach, makes incisions where the buttock meet the upper leg or in the crease near the anus. A pocket is created in the buttocks, where the doctor shapes the implant to the patient’s body, or inserts the fat tissue.

Sources: http://www.ienhance.com, http://www.plasticsurgery.com 


Breast Implants

Breast implant surgery can enhance the size and shape of your breasts. Because of improvements in surgical methods and breast-implant technology, this procedure has become more refined, providing better post-surgical results than years ago. This procedure may be combined with a breast lift to provide a fully satisfactory outcome.

Breast Implant Choices
Breast implants come in many sizes and shapes. The type of breast implant that you choose for surgery should be based on your desired change in profile and cleavage. Factors include positioning, surface texture, shape, personal anatomy and other considerations.

Saline Vs Silicone Breast Implants
Saline breast implants have been considered advantageous because if ruptured, the saline can be easily dissolved by the body. A disadvantage is that saline implants are more likely to show ripples through the skin.

Breast Implant Side Effects
As with any surgery, breast augmentation surgery has some associated risks. Though infrequent, complications can result in further treatment or a longer recovery. Risks associated with breast implant surgery could include obstructed mammography, breast feeding issues, infection, and possible implant leakage.

Source: http://www.yourplasticsurgeryguide.com


Breast Augmentation

Technically known as "augmentation mammoplasty," breast augmentation is designed to surgically enhance breast size with breast implants. It can correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy, help balance a difference in size, or implemented as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery. Breast enhancement can be performed using either saline or silicone-gel implants, depending on a variety of factors. Sometimes, breast augmentation can be performed in conjunction with or as an alternative to the breast lift procedure. (Silicone-gel breast implants were approved in November 2006; used in breast reconstruction surgery for women of all ages and breast enlargement for women 22 years and older. Various mandatory conditions and studies apply, which can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.)

The art and science of breast augmentation and enhancement has improved considerably over the past several years. Now, women have beautiful and safe options for breast augmentation never before possible. Choosing the right implant is a key to successful breast augmentation or breast enhancement surgery. Because body type and breast goals are personal from woman to woman, it is important you choose implants under the guidance of an experienced doctor. it is now possible for each woman to choose a breast implant with her doctor that is right for her augmentation or enhancement.
Each woman is unique in her form. A broad range of implants with a design for your body type and breast augmentation or enlargement goals. In addition to silicone gel and saline choices, a woman’s implant is based upon breast width, projection, and volume.

sources: http://www.plasticsurgery.com, http://www.natrelle.com


Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery. Description


Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery includes a number of different procedures that usually involve skin. Operations to remove excess fat from the abdomen ("tummy tucks"), dermabrasion to remove acne scars or tattoos, and reshaping the cartilage in children's ears (otoplasty) are common applications of plastic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery

Most cosmetic surgery is done on the face. It is intended either to correct disfigurement or to enhance a person's features. The most common cosmetic procedure for children is correction of a cleft lip or palate. In adults, the most common procedures are remodeling of the nose (rhinoplasty), removal of baggy skin around the eyelids ( blepharoplasty), face lifts (rhytidectomy), or changing the size or shape of the breasts (mammoplasty). Although many people still think of cosmetic surgery as only for women, growing numbers of men are choosing to have facelifts and eyelid surgery, as well as hair transplants and "tummy tucks."

Reconstructive surgery

Reconstructive surgery is often performed on burn and accident victims. It may involve the rebuilding of severely fractured bones, as well as skin grafting. Reconstructive surgery includes such procedures as the reattachment of an amputated finger or toe, or implanting a prosthesis. Prostheses are artificial structures and materials that are used to replace missing limbs or teeth, or arthritic hip and knee joints.

Source: http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com

Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery

Plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgery refers to a variety of operations performed in order to repair or restore body parts to look normal, or to change a body part to look better. These types of surgery are highly specialized. They are characterized by careful preparation of a person's skin and tissues, by precise cutting and suturing techniques, and by care taken to minimize scarring. Recent advances in the development of miniaturized instruments, new materials for artificial limbs and body parts, and improved surgical techniques have expanded the range of plastic surgery procedures that can be performed.


Although these three types of surgery share some common techniques and approaches, they have somewhat different emphases. Plastic surgery is usually performed to treat birth defects and to remove skin blemishes such as warts, acne scars, or birthmarks. Cosmetic surgery procedures are performed to make persons look younger or enhance their appearance in other ways. Reconstructive surgery is used to reattach body parts severed in combat or accidents, to perform skin grafts after severe burns, or to reconstruct parts of person's body that were missing at birth or removed by surgery. Reconstructive surgery is the oldest form of plastic surgery, having developed out of the need to treat wounded soldiers in wartime.


The top 10 most commonly performed elective cosmetic surgeries in the United States include the following:
·         liposuction
·         breast augmentation
·         eyelid surgery
·         face lift
·         tummy tuck
·         collagen injections
·         chemical peel
·         laser skin resurfacing
·         rhinoplasty
·         forehead lift

Source: http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com
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