
Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck can improve the appearance of excess fat and loose, stretched out skin in the lower abdominal area. This surgical body contouring procedure is effective for men or women whose conditions are not severe enough for full abdominoplasty.

A mini tummy tuck, or partial abdominoplasty, may be recommended for patients that are within 10% of their ideal body weight. This procedure is less invasive and can be done on an outpatient basis. While a full tummy tuck involves an incision around the navel and across the lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck leaves the navel intact and requires a smaller incision. Liposuction is sometimes employed and the fat is removed from below the navel, tightening muscles from the navel to the pubis.

If your abdominal muscles require more extensive tightening and your body weight is more than 20% above your ideal weight, your plastic surgeon is more likely to recommend a full abdominoplasty. This frequently is performed with liposuction to obtain the best results.

During mini-abdominoplasty, your surgeon will make a small incision directly above the pubic region. He or she will cut away loose skin and may perform liposuction in conjunction to remove excess fat. As compared to a full tummy tuck, the belly button should not have to be repositioned. The incisions are closed with small sutures and small drains are usually inserted to eliminate fluid buildup. Elastic bandages are then applied to the area and secured.

Long-lasting; weight fluctuation or pregnancy may affect results.

Mini-tummy tuck patients will need to wear a compression garment during the healing period, which may last about two to three weeks after surgery. This procedure has a shorter recovery time than the full tummy tuck; sutures should be removed in a few weeks. Return to work: 1 to 3 weeks. Return to light activity: within 2-3 days. Avoid strenuous activity: about 1 month.

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