
Lip Augmentation Implants And Surgeries

Lip augmentation creates fuller, plumper lips and reduces fine wrinkles around the mouth. Lips may be injected with collagen or with fat transferred from another site in the patient's body. Both liquid collagen and fat are absorbed and repeat treatments are necessary to maintain results. Newer, longer-lasting options include implantable materials like AlloDerm and SoftForm.

Lip Augmentation surgery
It usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes, depending upon the technique and the skill of the surgeon. Your surgery may take longer if other procedures are being performed in conjunction with your lip augmentation, such as a lip lift or non-lip procedures.

Implants And Surgeries
You will most likely receive local anesthesia. A procedure can take up to two hours at your doctor's office or outpatient center, depending on the complexity, and you will be sent home the same day.

Here are the options:

Alloderm is a sheet of collagen created from deceased humans. Your surgeon inserts them through tiny incisions made on the inside part of the lip. This material offers only a temporary fix, lasting up to 12 months.

Fat grafting is the surgical method of inserting your own fat into your lips to achieve the desired fullness. You may achiever permanent results, but this method varies from person to person. Because it's your own fat, there is a chance that your body can reabsorb it.

Gore-Tex, SoftForm and soft ePTFE are synthetic materials that can achieve a permanent result. Unlike some of the other options we've listed above, your body will not absorb these. However, because they are synthetic, there is a risk of allergic reaction.

Local flap grafts is a surgical procedure that takes tissue and skin from the inside flap of your mouth. It's far more invasive than any other technique, and is often the last resort among plastic surgeons.
Your surgeon may also be able to make an incision along the upper line of your lip.

How Long Will My Recovery Take?
Your recovery will depend on your lifestyle and which procedure you undergo. If you are having injections, your recovery can take just a couple days. However, any swelling or bruising can last longer.

If you are having surgical implants or grafts, your recovery can take up to two weeks after the surgery.

It's important that you know yourself. Discuss how much time you think you'll need for recovery with your doctor. It may be necessary to take some time off work. You will need at least three days off from work, at minimum. If you are physically active, you will not be able to exercise for a few days after injections and perhaps for a few weeks after surgical implants.

What Are the Risks and Complications of Lip Augmentation?
As with any surgery, there are risks and complications. You can have allergic reactions to implants as we've described above or allergic reaction to anesthesia.

You can experience bleeding or an implant that hardens, which may require removal. You also risk infection or perhaps even nerve damage in some cases. It's very important that you discuss any concerns with your doctor prior to surgery and that you make your doctor aware of any existing medical conditions which may cause further complications.

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